Lepadella patella, dorsoventral view. In contrast to Lepadella ovalis the inner organs touch the lateral rims of the lorica. Specimen from (2). |
Lepadella patella, dorsoventral view. This image shows some of the inner organs. GG: gastric glands; GV: germovitellarium; In: Intestinum; Mx: Mastax; N: Nephridium; Ro: Rostrum. |
Lepadella patella, dorsal view. The arrowheads point to some of the muscles which can retract the head. DA: Dorsal antenna., |
Lepadella patella, dorsoventral view; outline of a specimen with partly retracted head. (2) |
Lepadella patella, dorsoventral view; whiling. (1) |
Lepadella patella; the head is retracted. (2) |
Lepadella patella; morphotype with widening foot opening with slightly outwardly curved projections (arrowheads). Specimen from (3). |
Lepadella patella; the head is retracted. (2) |
Location: Gevelsberg, Schulzentrum, Grünes Klassenzimmer, Teich (1); Wahner Heide near Cologne, Sphagnum bog (2); Villa Markisa, Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia, pond (3) |
Habitat: periphyton (1); (2); between algae (3) |
Date: 1.04.2008 (1); 04.05.2017 (2); 06.09.2023 (3) |